Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 1

Response to Internship #1First day of internship! Wow, glad that's over with.


My work place is in the Mini Conference Room. I
am provided a laptop to use during my three weeks here. I have the room to myself. In the back are file cabinets containing employee claims.

This is an example of my work. On the left is my tentative schedule, on the right is a set of research questions I am to complete for my mentor. The screen shown on the laptop is the Solar Turbines Intranet homepage.

The sign in board was something that struck me. I found this interesting because it was something used for safety reasons. In such that there be a fire drill or evacuation, the rest of your team will know where you are located in the facility.

Turkish Delight! This is the stuff in the Narnia movie! I've never actually tried it. This was the first time I've ever tried Turkish Delight, and I must admit that it was delicious =) CeCe brought it back with some other chocolate candy from her trip to Switzerland over winter break. This was an interesting experience my first day. I kept going back for more candy...


Economics & Life Questions
All responses are summarized from the actual conversation.
1. How is Solar Turbines important to consumers?
Solar Turbines is a manufacturing company that produces engine and oil machinery. Their consumers are some of the top gasoline distributors including Chevron, Shell, and British Petroleum. ST also provides for power generation businesses such as SDG&E and SFSU. That being said, Solar is an incredibly well-established company thats costs approximately $3 billion. So if something ever were to happen to Solar, many of its customers would go downhill as well.

2. How many of ST's workers have been laid off within the past three years?
None! Surpisingly, there have been no with layoffs although the economy has been weak the past 3-4 years. However in 1999-2000, a need for products dropped. Other than that, there are no layoffs on the horizon due to our economic crisis.

3. Have you needed to cut down on any costs/budgets due to the recession? If so, what and how much?
In November 2008, Caterpillar (owner of Solar) noticed many changes: fewer orders, fewer customers, customers dropped out. There was a hiring freeze, which meant no more hiring or head count. Some positions were brought in internally; some were from the field. Budget cuts meant a decrease in computer equipment. Vacations were not given to employees. Contracts expired and Caterpillar lost a few temporary workers.

4. Which department would be the first to get laid off if needed?
As stated before, Solar is very well-established. There have not been any recent layoffs, but they do have a plan on how to determine its layoffs. If needed, temporary people would be the first to go. Then contract people and finance.

Day DescriptionI woke up around 6:30am, and I didn't eat breakfast since I wasn't hungry. We did the normal morning routine where we drop off my younger brother at school, then I ride with my dad and he drops me off before he gets to his work. It took no more than 20 minutes because there was absolutely no traffic on Interstate 5. It's a good thing that Solar Turbines if off I-5 because it's the same route my dad and I take every morning, so it's convenient. I walked into the Main Entrance lobby, and the security guard already knew who I was. I signed in and received a visitor's badge. I was there pretty early at 7:40am when I was scheduled for 8am. My mentor Jessica usually comes in at 9am, but she came at 8am today. Once she arrived, we went to the HR department where they work in cubicles. Jessica then introduced me to her boss and everyone in the Central HR department. There are 15 people total who work in this department. After that we sat down and discussed some technicalities of the office and took care of my paper work.

Once lunch came around, my mentor invited me to have lunch with her boss. We ate in the cafeteria. They bought their lunch, while I ate my packed lunch that I brought from home. Lunchtime is busy at Solar! After lunch, Jessica's co-worker Josh came in. I had a lot more interaction with him while he explained the I-9 process. He covered topics on employment and citizenship. I learned a lot. We also took care of the mail, and I met several executives.

My first day ended at 4pm. I was escorted out by Josh, and I returned my visitor's badge to security. I waited about 10 minutes for my dad, and we took the I-5 home where there is the usual afternoon traffic.

Within the next few days, I really have no idea what I will be doing. I couldn't really do anything today because I don't an official badge yet. The badge gives me access to everything I need to do, including the computer. I am expecting to do some filing or other small tasks that anyone around the office needs. That should be no problem. I also expect to meet other executives; I'm prepared for that. I'm open to anything that my mentor asks me to do. I am going to be learning more about the duties, compliances, and diversity aspects that the Human Resources department takes care of.

I am excited to be working here because Solar Turbines Incoporated is an extremely huuge company that has facilities worldwide. It is an efficient manufacturing company that is important to well-known gas and oil consumers. My mentor is the Diversity Specialist, so she has a lot of access to the worldwide networking that has to do with Solar. I find this interesting and useful.

Response to Intership #3: Monday 1/11
1. What skills would you like to develop at your site?
I would definitely like to develop my social interaction skills. I would like to better my speaking skills, in terms of public speaking and conversation with others. I would also like to develop my work ethic. This would mean taking initiative with my duties instead of being reminded.

2. What interests do you have regarding the work done at your site?
I would like to know the process of compensation, benefits, etc. I learned what I-9's were and how they're kept in the database. I would like to do the same for the other jobs. In addition, I am interested in learning about each of the international facilities and how their role contributes to Solar.

3. What needs can you address (needs your mentor has, your company has, etc.) based on your skills and interests?
Well, I'm pretty organized, so if anyone needed me to do tasks involving paperwork then I'd be more than willing to help.

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