Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 2

Response to Internship #2:
What have you actively done to start off on the right note?
I was pleasant and gracious to every person I met. I made sure to look engaged and thrilled to be here. When I was given a task, I did my best to thoroughly complete it to the best of my ability.

What have you actively done to create interesting opportunities for yourself?
As stated earlier, I was gracious to everyone I met around the facility. By doing so, I believe will give me interesting opportunities because I gave them a good first impression. Whenever I was curious about something, I would ask. This led to more learning and retaining new information.

What have you actively done to advance the interests of your mentor and/or site?
I was patient with the with mentor and her manager while they tried to get settle down after coming back from their 3-week ''shut-down.'' They had difficulties granting me access to the facility as well as a computer log-on.

What can you do in the immediate future to improve yourself and your experience in the above areas?
I will continue to engage in as many activities possible. I will keep an open mind for any last minute duties or tasks. Continue to act courteous and polite to mentor and co-workers.

Response to Internship #4: Tuesday 1/12
1. What academic skills could you use on the job?
I deem myeslf to be a pretty good writer, so if they asked me to write any reports or statements then I'd be more than welcome to. I'm also a pretty decent researcher.

2. What forms of collaboration could you use in a project?
I am open to working with anyone I need to work with at my internship. If I need to meet with a certain representative or if I need to ask for assistance from my co-workers, then I will make it work. I am working in HR, so if I need to contact anyone specific then they can make it happen.

3. What technical skills can you use at your internship?
I am very familiar with Microsoft Word and Powerpoint. So any form of word processing, I can do. I am flexible and can handle multiple tasks at a time.

4. What new things can you learn while working at your site?
I can learn about the history of Solar and its marketing system. I can learn about the different aspects of this company that make it such a strong worldwide corporation. Every person I get a chance to talk to will give me a new insight about something and they will explain to me what they do in their job.

5. How can you exhibit, showcase or otherwise share your work?
Whatever my project may be, I'm sure they can hang it somewhere around the office or in their cubicle. If my work is something online, they can always send a mass email to the whole department to share it.

6. How can your work or your skills & abilities help your company or organization?
Nothing on the large scale, that's for sure. But the little tasks I do will take some burden off some of the workers because I know they have plenty to take of.

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