Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 9

This is the Quality Room right next to Central HR. I posted this picture because I went to two meetings today. The first one was a CHR staff meeting that took about 3 hours. The second meeting I attended was the monthly EAG leader meeting. It was right after the CHR staff meeting. So these meetings took a majority of my day.

These back-to-back meetings are what my mentor deals with on the daily. She's constantly in and out of meetings. I guess adults and students are a lot alike in such that they both stress. For the most part students stress about school. Every now and then it'll be relationship problems or parents or sports schedules. Adults deal with the same exact thing. Plus more. It's not just themselves, but their families as well. Their spouse, their children. It's not just about themselves in the adult world. You must be selfless and generous. I don't know how they do it, but they do. I don't want to scare myself here, because I know I'll be in the same position one day. But somehow, these adults do it. And they're happy.

Possible Interview Questions
Is Psychology what you always wanted to pursue?
How far along the way did you decide you wanted to get more than just a B.A.?
Do yo usee yourself working in HR till you retire?
What was the hardest thing you went through that helped you intellectually and/or physically grow?
What were the highlights and benefits about getting your doctorate?
What was your biggest struggle getting your PhD?
Did you ever doubt that going through postgraduate school would be worth it?
What would you advise to anyone planning to pursue a doctorate as well?

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