Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 6

I had work today although it was Martin Luther King Jr. Day. I had to come in half an hour earlier than usual because my first task of the day began at 7:30am.

Well, today there was new hire orientation in the eastside room. I didn't know where it was, so I went to security and they took me to the room. I was expecting there to be a bunch of people, but there were only 4 other people besides me. That was pretty surprising. We were each to make our own nametag and the most creative one would get a prize. Evidently, I won. I got a "bio-degradable pen." Woohoo. The orientation consisted of presentations about the history of Solar, safety procedures, and password protection/privacy. We also got a tour of the facility. I didn't know there was a chapel here. That was cool. I learned the chapel was all built by actual Solar employees back in the day. They hold ceremonies there too.

Next was lunchtime. We were given a $10 ticket we could use to buy lunch--a lot like a giftcard. After lunch, we were released from orientation. I went back to Central HR to check in with my mentor. I completed online courses for "Electronic Communications" and "6 Sigma Yellowbelt Awareness." Both were courses to better understand the company and compliance rules.

So that was pretty much my day. I left at 2:30pm.

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