Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 3

Project title: undetermined

Project description: a compilation of cultural holidays of interest of Solar's worldwide employees; written description for the selected holidays; will be published in EAG (Employee Affinity Groups) newsletter

Project schedule: (project was not officialialized till second full week of internship)
remainder of week (1/20-22) : begin research
early of week (1/25-27): rough draft completed, reviewed, & revised
1/27: POL practice run
1/29: Internship POL

Materials & Equipment needed: Internet, Microsoft Powerpoint

Project documentation: I will complete my drafts on Microsoft Word, and my final product will be compiled with Microsoft Powerpoint. It will be emailed to approximately 400 EAG employees worldwide. At the end of internship, I'll have several Powerpoint slides with all my written descriptions of global holidays.

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